Roadmap C1, Students Book, Answer key, 2021.
Фрагмент из книги.
In the exercise, the subject of each sentence is it (with no meaning – it doesn’t refer to anything). The verb is followed by a that-clause. In the article, the subject of each sentence is a person or some people. The verb is followed by the to infinitive.

Language focus.
Suggested answers:
1 I know it might be shocking, but I need to say this.
2 First of all
3 On top of everything else
4 I’m just listing a few examples, but there are many more that I could list.
5 This made a bad situation even worse.
6 I’m saying something that might make you feel uncomfortable, but it’s true.
7 I’m not going to explain all the details between the beginning and the ending.
8 This made a bad situation even worse.
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