Complete First, Workbook with answers, Thomas B., Thomas A., 2014

Complete First, Workbook with answers, Thomas B., Thomas A., 2014.

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The festival which takes place in Puno each year is one of the largest, longest and most extravagant celebrations in fi esta-mad Peru. So many local dance clubs now compete that the contest is spread over two weeks instead of one as in the past. There is nothing casual about these competitions. Groups must have precise numbers of participants, depending on the dance, and perform for exactly eight minutes in front of a packed stadium of transfi xed spectators. After competing, many groups just keep on dancing in the narrow streets of the town.

Complete First, Workbook with answers, Thomas B., Thomas A., 2014

The Moon Festival.
‘We’ve been working every day now for the last 60 days,’ said Johnny Chan. ‘We’ve made about three million mooncakes so far.’ Mooncakes mean the Mid-Autumn Festival, or Moon Festival, which lasts for three days. The Kee Wah bakery in Hong Kong makes dozens of different types of mooncakes. ‘The Cantonese-style cakes have a shiny fi nish, and are fi lled with a lotus seed paste,’ said Johnny Chan. ‘In the northern regions, the cakes are less sweet and are often fi lled with nuts or even meat,’ he added. But despite their central role in the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr Chan said that mooncake orders had declined over recent years. Part of the reason, he said, was that people think mooncakes are bad for them and prefer low-fat, low-sugar ones, but also the Moon Festival was becoming more commercialised and people focused more on the exchange of gifts.

1 A family affair.
2 Leisure and pleasure.
3 Happy holidays?.
4 Food, glorious food.
5 Study time.
6 My first job.
7 High adventure.
8 Dream of the stars.
9 Secrets of the mind.
10 Spend, spend, spend?.
11 Medical matters.
12 Animal kingdom.
13 House space.
14 Fiesta!.
Answer key.

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