Common mistakes at Proficiency and how to avoid them, Moore J., 2005

Common mistakes at Proficiency and how to avoid them, Moore J., 2005.

   How can you avoid the most common mistakes students make at Proficiency? Based on analysis of over 7,000 exam scripts, this book looks at real errors made by learners in the exam and explains how to make sure you get it right.

Common mistakes at Proficiency and how to avoid them, Moore J., 2005

Eventually or finally?
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 a If we don’t act now, the rainforests wili eventually be destroyed,
b If we don't act now, the rainforests will finally be destroyed.
2 a Eventually, I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work,
b Finally, I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work.

We use finally to introduce the last thing in a series of actions, points or arguments.
When used like this, it always comes at the beginning of the phrase or sentence:
Mix together the oil and vinegar, add some herbs and finally, season with salt. Firstly... Secondly... Finally, we must recognise th a t...

1 Will or would?.
2 Which modal do I use?.
3 Which nouns and adjectives are followed by a gerund or an infinitive?.
Test 1.
4 Which, who or what?.
5 Which pronoun do I use to refer to people in general?.
6 Which personal pronoun do I use?.
Test 2.
7 When do I use the?.
8 How do I use quite, very and really?.
9 Less or fewer?.
Test 3.
10 Which preposition do I use after nouns?.
11 Which preposition do I use after verbs?.
12 By the time or at the time?.
Test 4.
13 Which nouns have irregular plural forms?.
14 Everyday or every day?.
15 How is British and American spelling different?.
Test 5.
16 Which phrasal verbs are formed with stand?.
17 Which phrases are formed with take?.
18 Commonly confused word forms.
Test 6.
19 Way у route, means or method?.
20 Work or job?.
21 Commonly confused nouns: relation / relationship, education / upbringing.
Test 7
22 Commonly confused adjectives: tourist / touristic, economic / economical.
23 Common, ordinary or usual?.
24 Important, relevant or essential?.
Test 8.
25 When do I use an adverb or an adjective?.
26 Specially or especially?.
27 Eventually or finally?.
Test 9.
28 Commonly confused verbs: reach / achieve, win / earn, profit / benefit.
29 Which verbs are followed by a gerund or an infinitive?.
30 Propose, offer or invite?.
Test 10.
Answer key.

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