Speakout, Pre-Intermediate, BBC Interviews extra, Worksheets, 2015.
Фрагмент из книги.
I’ve always enjoyed living in/visiting cities. I like the mix of culture/people and all the di erent 3things/places that you can 4do/see. Not everyone feels like me, though. Most/Some people prefer the peace and quiet of the country/city. How about you? Do you enjoy city/country life?

Look at the people below and read the things they say. Then watch the video from 1:12–3:10 and match people A–D to the correct sentences.
1 He enjoys things he doesn’t see every day.
2 He’s frightened of snakes and scorpions because they’re very dangerous.
3 He quite likes large snakes. A friend of his used to keep them.
4 She loves her nephew and niece’s guinea pig.
5 He doesn’t remember being frightened of any animals when he was a child.
6 She doesn’t like spiders.
Match defi nitions a–f to phrases 1–6 in Exercise 8.
a) group of friends
b) stopped working
c) talking about my career
d) get healthier and stronger
e) work for eight hours a day, fi ve days a week
f) have enough money.
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