Speakout, Reading & listening extra, Elementary, 2016.
Фрагмент из книги.
A hangi is a traditional Maori barbecue. It’s an old, old tradition and people in New Zealand prepare hangis on special family occasions. It takes fi ve to six hours to prepare a hangi. The fi rst step is to dig a large hole in the ground. Then you build a big fi re in the hole and put some special volcanic stones** in the fi re. The stones stay in the fi re for two to three hours. The stones need to be very, very hot to cook the food.

Welcome to California!
California is a big state. Its coast covers 900 miles (1,400km) from the border with Mexico in the south to the border with Oregon in the north. It has so many different places to see and visit. There are the famous cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco of course, but there's also a lot more.
In the south you have the beautiful sandy beaches in San Diego. Travel up the coast and you can see spectacular cliffs and visit the world-famous redwood forests, with some of the tallest trees in the world. In the interior you can find Central Valley, famous for its wines, the Mojave Desert and the mountains of the Sierra Nevada.
The climate is really different, too. It's hot and dry in the desert, warm and sunny on the beaches and cold and snowy in the mountains. You only need to travel a short distance and the weather changes completely. In winter, it's warm and sunny in LA.
But just an hour and a half away by car, it's snowing in the mountains. If you want, you can swim in the sea in LA in the morning and ski in Snow Valley in the afternoon.
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