If you’ve picked up this book, chances are you’ve wanted to speak English for a while. Maybe you’ve even taken classes. You probably need English to improve your career. Maybe you want to travel internationally or study abroad. You know that English is the key to international business and international travel. So let me ask you something.

The Problem with Schools.
My teaching experiences in different parts of the world convinced me that something is wrong with English education. Everywhere I went, it was the same situation. The students were bored, frustrated, stressed, and nervous. Most students, even after years of studying English, failed to speak the language fluendy. You are not alone, because it’s a global problem.
One of my students, Seiko from Japan, described this combination of failure and stress as “English trauma.” Seiko said that she hated English. She felt that learning English was boring and stressful and speaking English was even worse. In fact, the thought of speaking to a native speaker immediately made Seiko feel extremely nervous and shy. Seiko felt she had developed a psychological problem with English and had named it “English trauma.” A “trauma” is a deep wound or injury. “How sad,” I thought to myself, “that so many people now think of English as a kind of injury or mental disease.”
Throughout my teaching career I’ve met many students who had similar feelings about English. I discovered that Seiko was not alone. Rather, “English trauma” is a global epidemic. Though most people feel they must learn to speak English, very few seem to enjoy it. Most who learn the language struggle with the same feelings of nervousness and frustration that Seiko had.
Chapter 1: A Better Way to Learn English.
Chapter 2: The Problem with Schools.
Chapter 3: Psychology Is More Important Than Grammar and Vocabulary.
Chapter 4: Your Beliefs Determine Your English Success.
Chapter 5: English Is A Physical Sport.
Chapter 6: Use Big Real World Goals To Motivate Yourself For Success.
Chapter 7: Program Your Brain For English Success.
Chapter 8: Babies Learn Best — The Effortless English™ Engine.
Chapter 9: The First Rule – Learn Phrases Not Words.
Chapter 10: The Second Rule: Grammar Study Kills Your English Speaking.
Chapter 11: The Third Rule: Learn With Your Ears, Not With Your Eyes.
Chapter 12: The Fourth Rule – Repetition Is The Key To Spoken Mastery.
Chapter 13: The Fifth Rule: Learn Grammar Intuitively And Unconsciously.
Chapter 14: The Sixth Rule: Learn Real English And Trash Your Textbooks.
Chapter 15: The Seventh Rule: Learn English With Compelling Stories.
Chapter 16: Your Daily English Learning Plan.
Chapter 17: The Power of Pleasure Reading.
Chapter 18: The Secret To Good English Writing.
Chapter 19: Why You Should Not Practice Speaking.
Chapter 20: English Is The Language Of International Business.
Chapter 21: How To Give Powerful English Presentations.
Chapter 22: English Connects You With The World.
Chapter 23: The Effortless English Code and Mission.
About the Author.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Hoge
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