The main way we make our conversation sound natural is by using 'gambits' A gambit is a word or phrase which helps us to express what we are trying to say. For example, we use gambits to introduce a topic of conversation; to link what we have to say to what someone has just said; to agree or disagree; to respond to what we have heard. In one sense, a gambit has very little meaning — it does not express an opinion; it may only introduce the opinion. On the other hand, if we never use gambits in our conversation, other people will think we are very direct, abrupt, and even rude — they will get a wrong picture of us as people So gambits are full of meaning. They show our attitude to the person we are speaking to and to what (s)he is saying.

Personal Opinions.
You have been stopped in the street by a lady conductingan opinion poll You think she is trying to sell you something but she works for a national newspaper and is trying to find out about modem attitudes.
Work in pairs — one person asks the questions When all the pairs have finished change partners The people who asked the questions must now answer.
Use the phrases in the list to introduce your opinions.
1. Who should be the boss in a family — the man or the woman?
2. Who ought to do the cooking — the man or the woman?
3. Who ought to do the dishes?
4. Who ought to fix things when they are broken?
5. Who ought to wash the clothes?
6. Who ought to be the one earning the most money?
?. Who ought to look after the children when they are under five years old?
8. Who ought to buy the clothes for the children when they are under 10 years old?
9. Who ought to discipline the children when they're naughty?
10. Who ought to pay the bills and organise the family's finances?
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Keller :: Warner
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