Путешествия и туризм, Амосова М.А., 2015

Путешествия и туризм, Амосова М.А., 2015.
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Для студентов высших учебных заведений, изучающих английский язык в качестве первого или второго иностранного языка, а также для студентов факультетов неязыкового профиля.

Путешествия и туризм, Амосова М.А., 2015

Predicting the Future of Global Travel and Tourism.
“The trends of the future will be demographic, economic, and ecological. Globalization is the most progressive, powerful force we’ve ever seen, but it needs to be managed,” said Professor Ian Goldin, Director, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, during his address to the World Travel and Tourism Council’s Global Summit. The ageing population, an increasingly connected society, and fluctuating economic conditions are just three of the major factors that will set future trends in the global travel and tourism industry, according to industry leaders who spoke on the first day of the Summit. Other factors include the growth of the middle class with its increased disposable income, as well as the emergence of a new generation that prioritises travel and cares for its environment.

“We live in new Renaissance, we live in a period of unparalleled opportunity, which has changed in different ways we can’t begin to imagine”, Professor Goldin said, speaking during the first session of the Summit entitled “The Global Context” at the two-day event held in Jumeirah by Etihad Towers. The opening keynote address was made by David Scowsill, President and CEO, World Travel and Tourism Council. “Travel is a way of life and even in the toughest times, it continues to be a priority for populations around the world. Travel and tourism drives economies and creates jobs; and even in challenging economic times, it still has the potential to grow, as consumer appetite for travel beyond national borders remains insatiable,” he said.

Unit 1. Travelling and Tourism.
Unit 2. Travelling by Plane.
Unit 3. Travelling by Train.
Unit 4. Travelling by Ship.
Unit 5. Nordic Dimension of Travelling.
Bibliography and Internet Resources.

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