Fly High English, Teacher’s Book, 8 sinf, Jurayev L., Khan S., 2014

Fly High English, Teacher’s Book, 8 sinf, Jurayev L., Khan S., 2014.

Учебник по английскому языку для 8 класса на узбекском языке.

   O‘qituvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan mazkur metodik qo‘llanma umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining 8-sinflari uchun nashr etilgan „Fly High 8“ nomli ingliz tili darsligi asosida tayyorlangan. Undan darslikning bo‘limlari, mavzulari, darslarning kommunikativ maqsadlari, grammatikasi, lug‘ati haqidagi mundarija, har bir dars va mashqning maqsadlari, o‘qituvchilar uchun til va madaniyatga oid qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlar, mashqlarning javoblari, CD disk uchun yozuv materiallari, o‘quvchilarni rasmiy baholash uchun qo‘llasa bo‘ladigan uchta namunaviy testlar (javoblari bilan), o‘quvchilarning darslarni qanday o‘zlashtirganliklarini tekshirishga mo‘ljallangan testlar, darslikdagi mashqlarni to‘g‘ri tashkil etish bo‘yicha aniq ko‘rsatmalar, kuchli, shuningdek, o‘zlashtirishi sust bo‘lgan sinflar uchun takliflar o‘rin olgan.

Fly High English, Teacher’s Book, 8 sinf, Jurayev L., Khan S., 2014

The Fly High Approach.
Fly High follows the State Educational Standards and syllabus for foreign languages that were developed and approved by the Scientific Methodical Council on Foreign Languages in February 2013. The syllabus is based on
topics which were chosen after consulting pupils and teachers in different parts of Uzbekistan.

Fly High aims to help pupils develop the four Language Skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. There is an emphasis on teaching Modern English for Communication so special attention is paid to speaking and listening, which in the past have often been neglected. Of course young learners also need a good foundation in Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation so these are also developed systematically. The vocabulary in Fly High has been chosen and organised according to topics, and grammar is taught as an integral part of communication. Book 8 has a stronger focus on translation. The purpose is to enable pupils to translate from a foreign language into mother tongue and to support language learning as many people learn well through contrasting languages they know.

Map of contents.
Unit 1 Public holidays and traditions.
Unit 2 Mass media.
Unit 3 Radio and TV.
Unit 4 Literature and life.
Unit 5 Cinema.
Unit 6 Music and ballet.
Unit 7 Famous for.
Unit 8 Painting and sculpture.
Unit 9 The environment.
Unit 10 All the world’s a stage.
Progress checks.

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