Фрагмент из книги:
What is it? A word that is used with a noun or its equivalent. Articles work similarly to adjectives in English.
What is the function of an article? An article defines a noun. Simply put, it points out or refers to nouns.

Some English nouns can be both countable and uncountable. Is there any difference? You bet! It all comes down to the meaning of the word.
For example, you know that “time” is what we measure in seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. But “time” also has a second meaning of experience. For instance:
I have been to the USA three times. When using “time” both as a concept and as duration, the noun itself is considered to be uncountable. However, “time” can be countable when we use the word to mean experience.
How much time did it take to finish the project?
You need to repeat this sentence several times before you memorize it.
There are many similar examples in English where the meaning of the word changes depending on whether it’s countable or uncountable.
Let’s take a look at the most common ones where it’s important to know the difference between the meanings to speak and write fluent English.
1. Articles: they finally make sense.
2. Nouns: countable, uncountable, or.?.
3. Pluralia tantum and singularia tantum: which is which?.
4. Bored or boring? Adjectives ending in -ED and -ING.
5. Prepositions of time: a moment of clarity.
6. Prepositions of place: at, on or something more fun?.
7. Adjective and preposition combinations.
8. Adjectives and adverbs: what’s the difference?.
9. English tenses and their uses.
10. Reported speech.
11. Verb lists: infinitives and gerunds.
12. DO or MAKE?.
13. How to use zero and first conditional.
14. Second and third conditional: the sky is the limit.
15. Mixed conditionals.
16. What is another word for IF? (Unless, provided that, supposing, etc.).
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