Профессиональный иностранный язык, Английский, часть 1, Лысунец Т.Б., 2017

Профессиональный иностранный язык, Английский, Часть 1, Лысунец Т.Б., 2017.

   Пособие предназначено для студентов 3 курса ИнЭО. изучающих профессиональный курс английского языка по направлениям 18.03.01 «Химическая технология», 18.03.02 «Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии», 20.03.01 «Техносферная безопасность».

Профессиональный иностранный язык, Английский, Часть 1, Лысунец Т.Б., 2017

Chemical engineering.
Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with physical science (e.g.. chemistry and physics), and life sciences (e.g.. biology, microbiology and biochemistry) with mathematics and economics, to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms. In addition, modern chemical engineers are also concerned with pioneering valuable new materials and related techniques - which are often essential to related fields such as nanotechnology, fuel cells and biomedical engineering. Within chemical engineering, two broad subgroups include 1) design, manufacture, and operation of plants and machinery in industrial chemical and related processes (“chemical process engineers”); and 2) development of new or adapted substances for products ranging from foods and beverages to cosmetics to cleaners to pharmaceutical ingredients, among many other products (“chemical product engineers”).

Chemical engineering basically is applied chemistry. It is the branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machines and plants that perform chemical reactions to solve practical problems or make useful products.

Like all engineers, chemical engineers use math, physics, and economics to solve technical problems. The difference between chemical engineers and other types of engineers is that they apply knowledge of chemistry in addition to other engineering disciplines. Chemical engineers sometimes are called ‘universal engineers’ because their scientific and technical mastery is so broad.

Unit 1. What is Chemical engineering?.
Unit 2. Recent progress and innovations in Chemical engineering.
Self-study 1.
Control work 1.
Variant 1.
Variant 2.
Variant 3.
Variant 4.
Unit 3. Ecological and social responsibilities of Chemical engineers.
Unit 4. Biotechnologies and safety.
Self-study 2.
Control work 2.
Variant 1.
Variant 2.
Variant 3.
Variant 4.
Grammar reference.
Passive voice.
Types of questions.
Appendix 1. Keys to Grammar exercises.
Appendix 2. Abstract writing.

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