English grammar for children and foreigners, Raymond Wills, 2021

English grammar for children and foreigners, Raymond Wills, 2021.

   Grammar is how to talk or write so that others know what you are talking or writing about.
If you want people to understand what you are saying or writing, it helps to know how to put words together.
If you want to understand what others are saying, it helps to know how they put words together.

English grammar for children and foreigners, Raymond Wills, 2021

Noun - The name of things.
Everything in the world and under the stars has a name or can be given a name.
The word that names things is called: noun.
Noun means "name".
A noun is a word that names the things (people, places, objects, things) we are talking about or writing about.
To name something means making a person, place or thing known or pointing it out.
If you don’t name something, no one will know what person, place, or thing you are talking about.
A thing that has a name: Dog "Dog" is a noun.
A place that has a name: Beach "Beach" is a noun.
A person that has a name: Bella "Bella" is a noun.
A noun names a person, place or thing.

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