Межкультурный дискурс, Максименя Н.Н., Шуманская О.А., 2021

Межкультурный дискурс. Максименя Н.Н., Шуманская О.А., 2021.

   Учебное пособие включает материалы, отобранные в соответствии с учебной программой МГЛУ по дисциплине «Культурный контекст профессионального общения», и подборку заданий, которые носят практико-ориентированный характер и призваны совершенствовать у обучающихся умения профессионального общения в поликультурной среде.
Предназначено для студентов 5 курса МГЛУ, обучающихся по специальности 1-23 01 02 «Лингвистическое обеспечение межкультурных коммуникаций (по направлениям)», и может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы.

Межкультурный дискурс. Максименя Н.Н., Шуманская О.А., 2021

Mindv Martin was no longer speaking to A1 Sharp. She had been wary of him since her first day at Alton Products; he had always seemed distant and aloof. She thought at first that he resented her MBA degree, her fast rise in the company, or her sense of purpose and ambition. But she was determined to get along with everyone in the office, so she had taken him out to lunch, praised his work whenever she could, and even kept track of his son's Little League feats.

But all that ended with the appointment of the new Midwest marketing director. Martin had had her sights on the job and thought her chances were good. She was competing with three other managers on her level. Sharp was not in the running because he did not have a graduate degree, but his voice was thought to cany a lot of weight with the top brass. Martin had less seniority than any of her competitors, but her division had become the leader in the company, and upper management had praised her lavishly. She believed that with a good recommendation from Sharp, she would get the job.

Block I. What is Culture?.
Block II. Cultural Dimensions.
Block III. Working in Multinationals.
Block IV. Management in Multinationals.
Block V. Business Etiquette.
Block VI. Negotiating And Dealing With Conflicts Across Cultures.
Block VII. Cultural Values and Beliefs.
Block VIII. Stereotypes Across Cultures.
Block IX. Humor Across Cultures.
Block X. Cultural Metaphors.

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