The Firefly Five Language Visual Dictionary

The Firefly Five Language Visual Dictionary.

   The Firefly Five Language Visual Dictionary uses pictures to define words. With thousands of illustrations and thousands of specialist and general terms. It provides a rich source of knowledge about the world around you.
Designed for the general reader and students of language. The Firefly five Language Visual Dictionary responds to the needs of anyone seeking precise, correct terms for a wide range of objects. Using illustrations enables you to “see" immediately the meaning of each term.

The Firefly Five Language Visual Dictionary

The Firefly Five Language Visual Dictionary is divided into CHAPTERS, outlining subjects from astronomy to sports,
More complex subjects are divided into THEMES; tor example, the Animal Kingdom chapter is divided into themes including insects and aracnids mollusks, and crustaceans,

The TITLES name the object and. at times, the chief members of a class of objects are brought together under the same SUBTITLE
The ILLUSTRATIONS show an object, a process or a phenomenon, and the most significant details from which they are constructed It serves as a visual definition for each of the terms presented.

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