Academic Vocabulary in Use, Second Edition, McCarthy M., O’Dell F., 2016

Academic Vocabulary in Use, Second Edition, McCarthy M., O’Dell F., 2016.

   This book is for anyone who wants or needs to learn the kind of English which is used in academic contexts. It deals with the language used in written works such as textbooks and journal articles as well as with the spoken language of lectures and seminars. It also presents vocabulary relating to being a student at a university or college in that it covers topics relating to university life. It will be particularly useful for students preparing for IELTS, the Pearson Academic English Test or any other examination aimed at assessing whether candidates’ English is at a high enough level to study in an institution where English is the medium of instruction. It will be helpful for people who need to attend – or indeed give – lectures or presentations in English or to participate in international conferences. It will enable students who have to prepare assignments or write up a dissertation in English to do so in a much more natural and appropriate way.

Academic Vocabulary in Use, Second Edition, McCarthy M., O’Dell F., 2016

Before you start.
What do I need.
• a notebook or file - to write down the vocabulary that you study in this book as well as words and expressions that you come across elsewhere
• some good dictionaries

We strongly recommend the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary as this contains exactly the kind of information you need in order to be able to understand and use English vocabulary. Through its example sentences it shows you how the word is used and which other words it typically combines with. The dictionary also helps you with difficult items such as phrasal verbs indicating, for example, whether the object can come before the particle (set up the apparatus, set the apparatus up, go through a set of calculations but not go a sot of calculations through). The dictionary is available in both paper and electronic versions and can be accessed online at

You will need a specialist dictionary relating to your own subject area as well. Your teacher may also be able to recommend other dictionaries for your specific needs.

What should I note about new vocabulary?
Here are some things to note - though it won’t be appropriate to note them all for all words you come across.
• examples of the word or expression in use
• typical word combinations - you might, for example, note down adjectives or verbs typically associated with a noun that you want to learn or nouns, adverbs or prepositions associated with a verb
• any special features of the word (e.g. is there anything special about its grammar or pronunciation or is it particularly characteristic of either written or spoken English?)
• any other information that might help you to learn the word (e.g. is it similar to any word in your own language or does it share a root with a word you already know?)
• any additional vocabulary that learning this word may help with (e.g. does a verb have a related noun or what is the opposite of an adjective?)
• any other uses of the word (e.g. can it be used metaphorically or does it have any other meanings in the way that so many English words do?).

To the student and the teacher.
Getting started: General academic vocabulary.
Word combinations.
Academic life.
Planning and starting work.
Thinking and interacting.
Ways of talking about.
Organising and presenting ideas.
Reading and vocabulary.
Answer key.
Phonemic symbols.

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