This book will help you learn more than 2,000 words and phrases, and you can use it without a teacher. There are 100 units in the book. You can study them in any order, but the first four units have information about vocabulary that will help you with your learning.
After you do the exercises, you can check your answers in the Answer key at the back of the book. You will also find possible answers for most of the Over to you exercises.

Learning vocabulary.
Using this book.
It’s a good idea to have a routine when you use this book, [something you do often and usually in the same way] For example:
• a weekly routine when you study a new unit for at least [not less than] 30-45 minutes;
• a daily routine when you revise that unit, [study it again] You may only need to revise for five or ten minutes each time.
Studying a new unit.
When you are studying a unit for the first time, you need to be active when you are learning.
• With a new word or phrase, say it aloud [speak it so you can hear it], and repeat it to yourself silently [in your head, not speaking]. If you have the eBook that goes with the book, use it to check the pronunciation.
• Use a highlighter pen to mark words you think are important or difficult.
• Writedown new words and phrases in your notebook. (See Unit 2 for more information.)
• Always try to write an example sentence for new words. You can choose an example from this book or a dictionary, but an example from your own life will often help you to remember a word, e.g. I shared a flat with an Australian girl when I was in London last year.
• Do exercises in pencil, then you can rub them out (using a rubber) and do them again later. This is a good way to revise vocabulary.
The world around us.
Daily life.
Education and study.
Work and business.
Leisure and entertainment.
Communication and technology.
Social issues.
Functional language.
Word formation.
Phrase building.
Key verbs.
Words and grammar.
Connecting and linking.
Style and register.
Answer key.
Phonemic symbols.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Redman
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