Young Learners tests offer an elementary-level testing system (up to CEFR level A2) for learners of English between the ages of 7 and 12. The tests include three key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers and Flyers.
Starters is the first level in the system. Test instructions are very simple and consist only of words and structures specified in the syllabus.
The complete test lasts for less than an hour and has the following components: Listening, Reading and Writing, and Speaking.

Part 1 (5 marks).
Lines should be drawn between:
1. Pat and the girl in pink trousers, running.
2. Mark and the boy reading.
3. Hugo and the boy listening to music under a tree.
4. Jill and the girl playing badminton.
5. Lucy and the girl in shorts, playing with a kite.
Part 1 (5 marks).
1. Sue.
2. 20.
3. Tom.
4. 7.
5. Happy.
Part 3 (5 marks).
1. С
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
Part 4 (5 marks).
1 Colour the cake next to the apple - blue.
2 Colour the cake on the poster - purple.
3 Colour the bird's cake - red.
4 Colour the cake between the eggs - green.
5 Colour the cake on Mum's T-shirt - orange.
Test 1 Answers.
Test 2 Answers.
Test 3 Answers.
Starters Vocabulary List.
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Теги: english :: starter :: examination :: answer :: 2017
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