New Headway, Advanced Student’s Book, Soars L., Soars J., Hancock P., 2015

New Headway, Advanced Student's Book, Soars L., Soars J., Hancock P., 2015.

Фрагмент из книги:
Kathy Witterick, the mother of Storm, the Canadian baby being raised with only a few people knowing his or her sex, defended her choice.
'The strong, lightning-fast, vitriolic response was a shock,’ said Kathy. ‘The idea that the whole world must know our baby’s sex strikes me as unhealthy and voyeuristic.’
When Storm came into the world, Kathy (38) and husband David (39) sent out this email: ‘We decided not to share Storm’s sex for now - a tribute to freedom and choice in place of limitation.’

New Headway, Advanced Student's Book, Soars L., Soars J., Hancock P., 2015

Pairwork Student A.
Test your memory!
Take it in turns to ask the questions while your partner answers with their book closed. Can you correct any of their statements without looking at the pictures?

Ask Student В questions about the woman who took part in the scam and then answer their questions about the men.
1 What height and build was the woman?
2 What colour hair did she have? Was it natural or dyed? How long was it?
3 Can you describe her coat? How long was her skirt?
4 What kind of gloves was she wearing? What colour was her bag?
5 Was she wearing black or brown shoes?

Look at the pictures on pp32-33 again. How accurate were your descriptions of the people?

1 What makes us human?
2 In so many words.
3 Enough is enough?
4 Not all it seems.
5 Culture clashes.
6 Fruits of war.
7 Lighten up!
8 Gender matters?
9 The sound of music
10 Body and mind.
11 Our high-tech world.
12 Turning points.

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