This product is informed by the English Vocabulary Profile, built as part of English Profile, a collaborative programme designed to enhance the learning, teaching and assessment of English worldwide. Its main funding partners are Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment and its aim is to create a ‘profile’ for English linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). English Profile outcomes, such as the English Vocabulary Profile, will provide detailed information about the language that learners can be expected to demonstrate at each CEFR level, offering a clear benchmark for learners’ proficiency. For more information, please visit.

Look and read.
Write yes or no.
1 The grandfather is sitting near the musicians.
2 The father is standing in front of the mother.
3 Look at the girl who is reading. She is sitting under a rock.
4 The girl with the camera is standing behind the sheep.
5 The little sheep is standing between the two big sheep.
Draw these missing things on the picture on page 44.
1 The musicians are standing between two big trees. Draw the second tree.
2 A bird is on the grass behind the grandfather. Draw the bird.
3 There is a backpack under the table. Draw the backpack.
4 Draw an apple on the table in front of Mum.
5 There is a tree behind the sheep. Draw the tree.
UNIT 1 Working together.
1 The Dragon Dance.
2 Let's play!
3 Team activities.
4 Performing a play.
5 Following the team rules.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 2 Family and memories.
1 Wedding photos.
2 Wedding customs.
3 When I was young.
4 Birthdays.
5 Special memories.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 3 The desert.
1 Desert weather.
2 Desert animals.
3 Desert plants.
4 Friendship.
5 A Mexican folk tale.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 4 Look again.
1 Optical illusions.
2 That's impossible!
3 Very strange!
4 Hidden pictures.
5 Animal camouflage.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 5 Inventors and inventions.
1 Young inventors.
2 A history of inventions.
3 Problems and solutions.
4 Carrying things.
5 If I built a house.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 6 Dinosaurs.
1 The history of dinosaurs.
2 Dinosaur Q & A.
3 Describing dinosaurs.
4 Dinosaur discoveries.
5 Baby dinosaurs.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 7 Puzzles and codes.
1 Bugs and flowers.
2 Secret messages.
3 Prince Henry's party.
4 Have you ever...?
5 A Nasreddin story.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 8 Our amazing body.
1 Parts of the body.
2 Healthy and strong.
3 I don't feel well!
4 What are you doing next week?
5 Amazing facts.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
UNIT 9 Big and little.
1 Which size is best?
2 All kinds of robots.
3 As big as the sun.
4 Tallest, longest, heaviest.
5 A tall tale.
6 Quiz.
My global progress.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Linse :: Schottman
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