The Oldest Paraglider Ever 1.
To be young is to be daring, to be vital, to be 1) ... of anything. To be old is to be ... finished? No matter how many times we tell our parents and grandparents "You're young yet. You have your whole 2)... ahead of you!" we never truly 3)... they can do the things we can. We think adrenaline pumps harder in our veins than it does in theirs. For some, that may be true. But for 104-year-old Guinness World Record holder Margaret McKenzie McAlpine. it 4)... is not. The oldest female to do tandem paragliding. Margaret shows us that 5)... truly is a state of mind.

Sports Clothes.
Casual wear is 1) ... not adequate for practising sports. Jeans are extremely 2)... for running, while flat boots or sandals cannot boost your 3)... on the sports court. 4)... for the right exercise clothing can bring great results in your 5) ... . Nowadays there is a wide range of sport clothing available on the market according to your personal 6) ... and your sport taste. Adequate exercise clothes have to be comfortable and well fitting, allowing you to move freely. Check out what are those factors that you take into 7) ... when shopping for the 8)... exercise outfit.
Anti-Doping Control.
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the 1) ... independent organisation created in 1999 to 2)... , coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its 3) ... . Sanctions for violating anti-doping 4) ... may range from a reprimand to a lifetime ban. The period of ineligibility may 5) ... depending on the type of anti-doping 6) ... .the circumstances of an individual case, the 7) ... , and the possible 8) ... of an anti-doping rule violation.
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Теги: Английский язык :: словообразование :: Уткина
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