Английский язык на «отлично», 6 класс, Котлярова М.Б., Мельник Т.Н.

Английский язык на «отлично», 6 класс, Котлярова М.Б., Мельник Т.Н.

 area — an area, a geographic area, a populated area, a new area. Does she live in this area? The area of Belarus is 207 thousand square kilometers.
land — my fair land. This is the land of his uncle’s farm. We have a small plot of land to grow vegetables for our family.
population — a small population, with a population of 10 thousand people. What is the population of Minsk? The population of Belarus is growing. Moscow is a city with the population of over 10 million people. 78% of the population of Belarus are Belarusians.

Английский язык на «отлично», 6 класс, Котлярова М.Б., Мельник Т.Н.

Выбери правильный вариант.
1.The area of the national park is about seventy thousand/seventи thou sands hectares.
2.The population of Mogilev is more than three hundred thousand/three hundreds thousand people.
3.Vitebsk is more than one thousand/one thousands years old.
4.At night you can see millions of stars/million of stars in the sky.
5.The area of Scotland is about eighty thousand/eighty thousands square kilometres.
6.Three hundred /Three hundreds species of animals live in the wild in our country.
7.Million of tourists/Millions of tourists visit the UK every year.
8.Two hundred /Two hundreds of students worked on the farms in summer.

1.Около 10 миллионов человек живут в Беларуси.
2.Миллионы человек во всем мире любят путешествовать летом.
3.Территория Беларуси более 200 000 квадратных километров.
4.Население Минска около 2 000 000 человек.
5.Расстояние (distance) между этими городами 1000 километров.
6.Тысячи птиц улетают осенью в теплые страны.

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