Английский язык для студентов физического факультета, Осипенок О.А., 2013

Английский язык для студентов физического факультета, Осипенок О.А., 2013.

Цель учебного пособия - научить студентов извлекать основную информацию из оригинальных текстов; закрепить грамматические навыки, навыки аудирования, предусмотренные программой; развить навыки и умения чтения и реферирования литературы по специальности. Учебное пособие состоит из 7 блоков и основано на материалах, взятых из различных источников. Пособие предназначено для студентов направлений «Физика», «Радиофизика», «Электроника и наноэлектроника» физического факультета.

Английский язык для студентов физического факультета, Осипенок О.А., 2013

Irkutsk State University.
Irkutsk State University was founded in 1918. It was one of the first educational establishments in Eastern Siberia. At that time there were only two faculties at the University. They were History-Philology and Law. Later the University grew and developed. Its structure was changed several times. Now there are 13 faculties at the University. They are faculties of chemistry, biology, physics, geology, geography and others. Some of them became independent Institutes. They are Law Institute, Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science and Institute of Social Sciences. But in spite of all these changes our University has remained a classical University. There are opportunities to study different subjects and branches of science and to consider the subjects in their wider social contexts. According to preference an undergraduate may develop his or her interest in a particular area of science by writing course papers. A lot of candidates and doctors of sciences teach at our University. They also carry out research in different fields of science. There are three research Institutes at our University. They are Institute of Biology, Institute of Gas and Oil and Institute of Applied Physics. Some of our scientists are well known in our country and abroad. Students have an opportunity to do research at different laboratories and Students’ Scientific Societies. Educational level at our University is rather high and many enterprises, commercial organizations, secondary and higher schools are eager to hire our graduates.

Part 1. Topics for Learning
Part 2. Texts for Reading
Part 3. Tasks for Listening
Part 4. Texts for Rendering
Part 5. Grammar Exercises
Part 6. Texts for Individual Reading
Part 7. Grammar Supplement.

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