Дипломатические документы и дипломатическая переписка, Муратов Э.Н., 2005

Дипломатические документы и дипломатическая переписка, Муратов Э.Н., 2005.
  Пособие содержит подлинные образцы дипломатических документов, а также препроводительных писем, нот и телеграмм, телексов и факсов. Книга содержит полный текст Венской конвенции о дипломатических сношениях на английском и русском языках и глоссарий терминов, используемых в дипломатических документах и в устном общении.
Предназначено для вузов, готовящих специалистов по вопросам межгосударственных отношений, политологии и мировой торговли, а также для журналистов, юристов-международников, студентов переводческих факультетов вузов и курсов иностранных языков.

Дипломатические документы и дипломатическая переписка, Муратов Э.Н., 2005

The entire body of diplomats accredited to and resident at a court or capital is called the diplomatic corps.

The term diplomatic corps denotes the entirety of all diplomatic representatives, ambassadors and ministers (in case of the Vatican, nuncios and internuncios), as well as charges d’affaires ad interim and charges d’affaires avec lettres. However, in a broader sense, the diplomatic corps includes not only heads of missions but also the diplomatic personnel headed by them, i.e. counsellors, ministers-coun-sellor, first, second, third secretaries and attaches, and those persons who enjoy diplomatic status: trade representatives and their deputies, military, air force, and naval аttaches and their assistants appointed to diplomatic posts (usually a counsellor or аttache), various kinds of experts on economic relations, scientific and technical cooperation (in the absence of a trade representative), culture and agriculture, etc. The diplomatic corps includes also family members of the above-mentioned officials.

The diplomatic corps has no status of a political organisation or a body based on the norms of international law. However, it allows more effective solutions of certain protocol and ceremonial questions of concern to all diplomatic missions in the receiving state, makes it easier to brief them on all the aspects of the country’s political course, and facilitates the contacts with the country’s official circles and among the missions themselves.

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