Английский язык, 9 класс, Spotlight, Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В., 2010.
Maslenitsa - Farewell to Winter
If you want to watch parades, see fireworks and open-air theatre performances and eat until you burst, then the Maslenitsa carnival (or‘Blini Week’) in the heart of Moscow is the festival for you! This fun festival takes place around the end of February and celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of spring. For this reason, all the festival-goers eat blini (pancakes), which symbolise the sun (round, golden and warm). At the end of carnival week, there is a big bonfire to say a final goodbye to winter!

Use appropriate relatives to join the sentences.
1 Sarah loves Christmas. She is six years old.
2 Halloween is a great festival. Children always dress up as ghosts or witches.
3 Carnival is a popular festival. It is celebrated in many countries.
4 Mark lives next door. He is a clown.
5 Bonfire Night is an important festival in England. It is celebrated on November 5th.
Choose the correct adverbs.
1 Huge crowds wait slowly/patiently by the side of the river for the race to begin.
2 People spend the afternoon wandering happily/ beautifully around the stalls.
3 Everyone watches hurriedly/excitedly for the first floats to appear around the corner.
4 War veterans march in the parade, proudly/ smartly displaying their medals.
5 People cheer enthusiastically/exotically as the band marches by.
Module 1 - Celebrations
1a Reading & Vocabulary
1b Listening & Speaking
1c Grammar In Use
1d Vocabulary & Speaking
1e Writing Skills
1f English in Use
Culture Corner 1
Across the Curriculum
Module 2 — Life A Living
2a Reading & Vocabulary
2b Listening & Speaking
2c Grammar in Use
2d Vocabulary A Speaking
2e Writing Skills
2f English in Use
Culture Corner 2
Going Green 2
Module 3 - See it to belive it
3a Reading & Vocabulary
3b Listening & Speaking
3c Grammar in Use
3d Vocabulary & Speaking
3e Writing Skills
3f English in Use
Culture Corner 3
Across the Curriculum
Module 4 - Technology
4a Reading & Vocabulary
4b Listening & Speaking
4c Grammar in Use
4d Vocabulary & Speaking
4e Writing Skills
4f English in Use
Culture Corner 4
Going Green 4
Module 5 - Art & Literature
5a Reading & Vocabulary
5b Listening A Speaking
5c Grammar in Use
5d Vocabulary & Speaking
5e Writing Skills
5f English in Use
Culture Corner 5
Across the Curriculum
Module 6 — Town & Community
6a Reading & Vocabulary
6b Listening & Speaking
6c Grammar in Use
6d Vocabulary & Speaking
6e Writing Skills
6f English in Use
Culture Corner 6
Going Green 6
Module 7 — Staying safe
7a Reading A Vocabulary
7b Listening A Speaking
7c Grammar in Use
7d Vocabulary A Speaking
7e Writing Skills
7f English in Use
Culture Corner 7
Across the Curriculum
Module 8 - Challenges
8a Reading A Vocabulary
8b Listening A Speaking
8c Grammar in Use
8d Vocabulary A Speaking
8e Writing Skills
8f English in Use
Culture Corner 8
Going Green 8
Grammar Check
Song Sheets
Spotlight on Russia
Грамматический справочник
Irregular Verbs
Word List
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Ваулина :: Дули :: Подоляко :: Эванс :: 9 класс
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