Курс «английская речь – интенсивно» разработан в соответствии с требованиями программы по иностранным языкам для неязыковых ВУЗов и имеет коммуникативную направленность. Задача данного курса научить живому общению на английском языке в пределах указанной тематики.

Saint Petersburg University.
Saint Petersburg University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia. It was founded in 1724 at the same time as the Russian Academy of Sciences by a decree of Emperor Peter the Great. By 1765, however, teaching had come to a virtual standstill, but the University was revitalized in 1819 by Emperor Alexander I. It rapidly became centre of specialist training for the North-West
region of the Russian Empire, including Finland and Poland, as well as the Ukraine, Byelorussia, etc.
At first the University had only three faculties: Philosophy and Law, History and Philology, Physics and Mathematics. In 1854 a fourth faculty was added to these three — the faculty of Oriental Studies. The University was housed in the building of twelve ministries (colleges) of Peter I, designed by Tresini.
Nowadays the University comprises twenty faculties. Eight of them are natural sciences faculties (Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Faculty of Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine) and twelve humanities faculties (Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of History, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Russian Studies for Foreign Students, Faculty of Sociology, School of Management and Faculty of International Relations). Most of them are situated in the centre of St.Petersburg on Vassilievsky Island and in the former Smolny Convent, while the faculties of natural sciences arc situated principally in Peterhoff, on a specially designed campus dating from the 1970s.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык
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