Английский язык в компьютерной сфере, Турук И.Ф., Кнаб О.Д., 2012

Английский язык в компьютерной сфере, Турук И.Ф., Кнаб О.Д., 2012.

    Данное пособие предназначено для учащихся, специализирующихся в области компьютерных технологий. Целью данного пособия являются отработка навыков чтения и понимания специального текста, усвоение терминологической лексики данной области специализации и грамматической структуры текста. Пособие написано с учетом новейших технологий компьютерной сферы на сегодняшний день. Тексты издания содержат полезную и интересную профессиональную информацию, а также знакомят с лексической, грамматической и стилистической структурой, типичными для текстов подобного рода. Книга снабжена англо-русским словарем.
Пособие написано для студентов (бакалавриат и магистратура), аспирантов и преподавателей ВУЗов, специализирующихся в области компьютерных технологий и владеющих общей лексикой английского языка, также пособие будет полезно всем, кто работает в данной области и хочет расширить и актуализировать свои знания.

Английский язык в компьютерной сфере, Турук И.Ф., Кнаб О.Д., 2012

Taking computer for granted.
How easy is to get cynical about computers. Almost every day comes news of an office network that fails and paralyzes the company, of software that is years late, millions over budget and still doesn't work, of a spell-checker program that «corrects» a right word into a wrong one.

At times we feel at the machines' mercy, propelled in directions we would rather not go. The technology keeps growing more complex, more demanding, more intimidating.

But every now and then it's worthwhile to think positive, to take stock of the computers that work, that we use daily without thinking, that have made a difference. And that would have most of us screaming if taken away.

Herewith is an unscientifically compiled list of areas that the machines have forever changed.

Banking. Have you ever been to a country where banking still runs on paper? You wait in line, deal with a teller, than take a number and sit down. If you're lucky, the clerk takes only 30 minutes to go to a back room and rummage through giant ledgers to see if you have money.

Содержание / Contents
Предисловие 5
Unit 1
Information for study. Taking computer for granted 8
Exercises 12
Vocabulary training 21
A bit of reading practice 24
Let's discuss 25
Relax a bit 25
Unit 2 29
Information for study. Computer & its components 29
Exercises 35
Vocabulary training 41
Additional information. Bill Gates about his start 45
Vocabulary peculiarities. Tom's trouble 48
Just for fun 50
Unit3 53
Information for study.
Brief history of computer technology 53
Exercises 58
Vocabulary training 64
A bit of reading practice. Norbert Wiener 68
Vocabulary peculiarities. A sharp turn 70
A bit of humor 74
Unit 4 78
Information for study.
Brief history of computer technology (2) 78
Exercises 85
Vocabulary training 91
Vocabulary peculiarities. The ball is rolling 95
Some useful information.
The basics of buying a personal computer system 101
A bit of reading practice.
Computer and spoken word 112
Relax a bit. Scrapheap 114
Unit5 118
Information for study.
Pioneers. Supercomputers. Meta Pad 118
Exercises 123
Vocabulary training 130
A bit of reading practice. The IBM PC 133
Relax a bit 137
Unit 6 142
Information for study. Software development 142
Exercises 149
Vocabulary training 159
A bit of reading practice. Piracy economic impact 164
Relax a bit 166
Unit 7 169
Information for study. Internet 169
Exercises 174
Vocabulary training 179
A bit of reading practice. The World Wide Web 182
Relax a bit 190
Final test 197
Keys to exercises 208
Acronym Practice. The Internet Chat World
E-mail and Online Chat Acronyms 220
Vocabulary 229
Expressions 274
Abbreviations & Acronyms 294.

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