New Cutting Edge Intermediate is aimed at young adults studying general English at an intermediate level and provides material for approximately 120 hours of teaching. It is suitable for students studying in either a monolingual or multilingual classroom situation.
New Cutting Edge Intermediate Workbook is divided into twelve modules, which consist of:
-grammar - consolidation of the main language points covered in the Students' Book
-vocabulary-additional practice and input
-skills work - Improve your writing and Listen and read sections
-pronunciation - focus on problem sounds and word stress.
The optional Student's CD/Cassette features exercises on grammar and pronunciation. There are two versions of the Workbook, one with and the other without an Answer key.

Listen and read
One of the most beloved of American films, this is a classic story o( a love triangle between two men and one woman. It is the story of Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) who runs a nightclub in a town in Morocco during World War II. Rick's cafe has become a place where people can get illegal papers to help them to escape from Europe to America. One day, to Rick's horror, llsa (Ingrid Bergman) walks through the door of his cafe ('Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine'). Rick and llsa were lovers in Paris before the war but he thinks that she left him. Their romantic feelings soon return but Rick and llsa must face a painful choice, should llsa go to America with her husband, Victor (an important war hero who needs her support) or should she stay with Rick, the love of her life? In the end Bogart makes the decision for her and does the hardest thing for any man in love. He lets her go. In one of the most famous goodbye scenes ever recorded on film, he wipes away her tears and says: 'Here's looking at you kid.'
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