20000 Leagues under the Sea - E. Gray

Название: 20000 Leagues under the Sea.

Автор: E. Gray.


The story of Captain Nemo and his incredible underwater machine, the Nautilus. A submarine of considerable modern content (mysterious secret power plants, able to sustain underwater travel for extraordinarily long periods of time, complete living quarters, etc.), the Nautilus is Nemo's chief weapon in the war against Slaver's plying the African nations for their trade.

20000 Leagues under the Sea - E. Gray

Chapter 1 The Monster Irom the Deep
Chapter 2 Saved from the Ocean
Chapter 3 Inside MIL1 Nautilus
Chapter 4 Outside the Nautilus
Chapter 5 An Underwater Cemetery
Chapter 6 The Giant Pearl and the Shark
Chapter 7 The Lou City
Chapter 8 The Giant Squid
Chapter 9 The Battle
Chapter 10 The Whirlpool

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