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Какая цена на книгу New inspiration 3, Vocabulary Quizzes, Aytmuratova G., 2017

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    This four-level course takes teenagers from beginner to intermediate level, evolving with the students, reflecting their changing needs and interests. The ...

  2. New Inspiration. Level 2. Student's Book. Prowse Philip

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    Test your general knowledge and word skills: Have fun putting them to the test and learn new words as you go! • Exercise your brain: Give your mind a great ...

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  5. Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics. ...

    New features provide reflection opportunities and self-evaluation checklists develop responsible learners. The coursebook provides a range of enquiry questions ...

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    students will have to find new ways to work with each other and make use of their Quirks. Fun, action-packed story that takes inspiration from American ...

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    The quizzes in each part of the book are grouped together depending on how tricky we think they are. The easy ones come first, followed by medium and finally ...

  2. Читать книгу: «English for Travelers with Russian ...

    This book provides a structured approach to learning English, focusing on practical vocabulary, common expressions, and situational dialogues ...

  3. Читать книгу: «Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the ...

    Читать онлайн книгу «Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому» автора Larisa Lubimova полностью на ...

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    Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club -the community of speakers of that ...

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    3. Maintain Your Perspective. 4. Practice Tough Love. 5. Keep a Journal. 6. Develop an Honesty Philosophy. 7. Honor Your Past. 8. Start Your Day Well. 9. Learn ...

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    “Bullshit,” I replied. There were a few nervy moments of shoe-gazing silence followed by a gust of swirly, disjointed questions to cover the unease. Apparently, ...

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    It all starts with us and we come to such a magical topic as «inspiration» through ourselves, through the ability to work with our internal ...


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