Roadmap, B2+, Teachers Book, Williams D., Annabell C., 2020.
Roadmap is a new, fexible eight-level general English course for adults. Recognising that every class is diferent and every learner is unique, Roadmap provides a dual track approach that allows all learners to develop conf dence in speaking while taking a more tailored approach to skills development. It does this by providing smooth syllabus progression based on the Global Scale of English, by putting clear and achievable speaking goals at the heart of every lesson, and by providing in-depth skills development lessons for teachers to choose from at the back of the Students Book. Multiple opportunities are provided for learners to practise outside the classroom in print, online and using the mobile app.

Kind acts.
The goal of this lesson is for students to narrate a short story in detail. To help them achieve this, they will learn or revise narrative tenses and vocabulary related to helping people.
Tell the class about the kindest person you know: why they’re kind, what things they do, something kind they’ve done recently. When you nish, ask Ss to think of the kindest person they know and some examples of what they do. When they’re ready, put Ss in small groups to share their stories.
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