Now I Know 3, Workbook, Pelteret С., 2018.
Now I Know! builds on children’s natural curiosity, in an exciting learning environment centred around big questions. Each new challenge takes learners through a staged process of inquiry, supported by varied real world content including BBC video.
Read Amy’s blog and write the headings.
Today we were up early because we wanted to do lots of things. The first thing was a boat trip round Dubai. The cruise was one and a half hours. We looked at all the skyscrapers and beautiful buildings. There aren't any skyscrapers in my city. The ones in Dubai were amazing.
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Теги: Pelteret :: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: книги на английском языке
Смотрите также учебники, книги и учебные материалы:
- English Reading, Слова, которые мы путаем, Сборник упражнений для подготовки к разделу Reading экзаменов ОГЭ, ЕГЭ, IELTS, TOEIC, FCE, САЕ, СРЕ, Сахиевич С.В., 2024
- Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Workbook, Maris A., 2016
- ОГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Басова И.А., Трубанева Н.Н.
- Outcomes Advanced, Workbook, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2017
- New Total English, Elementary, Workbook, Foley M., Hall D., 2011
- New Total English, Pre-intermediate, Workbook, 2011
- New Total English, Intermediate, Workbook, Clare A., Wilson J., Cosgrone A., 2011
- New Total English, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, Foley M., 2011