Total English Advanced, Workbook, Clare A., Wilson J., 2007.
Total English retains all the popular features of the original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer at each level.

Polyglots ‘have different brains’. New research has shown that people with a gift for other languages could actually have different types of brains from other people. Neuroscientists at University College London say that polyglots have more ‘white brain matter’ in a part of the brain which processes sound. It is hoped that the research published In a medical journal could be used to help identify reasons for language difficulties. During a trial involving native French speakers, people were asked to distinguish between two similar sounds from different languages. The first was the ‘d’ sound found in French. The second was a ‘d’ found in Hindi, which is pronounced in a different way. Researchers tested the speed at which participants could process the information about the different sounds. People who were successful on this task were asked to listen to other similar sounds.
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Теги: Clare :: Wilson :: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: книги на английском языке
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- Now I Know 3, Workbook, Pelteret С., 2018
- New Total English, Elementary, Workbook, Foley M., Hall D., 2011
- New Total English, Pre-intermediate, Workbook, 2011
- New Total English, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, Foley M., 2011
- Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Workbook, Cunningham S., Moor P., Carr J., 2006
- New Cutting Edge Intermediate Workbook, Carr J., Eales F., 2006
- Kids Box 1 Activity Book, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., 2014
- Kids Box 2 Activity Book, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., 2017