Пособие по английской интонации, Антипова Е.Я., Каневская С.Л., Пигулевская Г.А., 1985.
Пособие предназначено для развития у студентов навыков английской интонации. Пособие состоит на трех частей: теоретической части, упражнений для тренировки к закрепления основных интонационных контуров и хрестоматии — прозаических и поэтических текстов и диалогом с интонационной разметкой.

Disjunctive Questions.
Utterances of this type represent a curious blend of a statement and a question. From the point of view of their grammatical structure they consist of a declarative sentence, followed by a mini-question: “They know about it, don’t they?", or “They don’t know about it, do they?"
One might expect that since the final part of the structure is interrogative, the communicative aim of the utterance is also interrogative.
In actual speech, however, the utterance acquires its final shape and a definite aim only after a definite intonation pattern has been superimposed on it.
In disjunctive questions the predominance of the declarative or of the interrogative part is finally settled by intonation.
Preface to the Second Edition.
Part I. Intonation Theory.
Intonation. Its Main Functions.
The Components of Intonation.
English Speech Melody. Its Forms.
The Alain English Intonation Contours.
English Speech Melody. Its Distinctive and Attitudinal Functions.
The Semantic Function of the Nucleus.
The Semantic Function of the Head.
The Semantic Function of the Pre-Hoad.
The Main Attitudes Conveyed by the Main Intonation Contours.
The Sense Group or the Syntagm.
The Use of the Main Intonation Contours in Utterances of Different Communicative Types.
Commands and Requests.
Exclamations and Interjections.
The Use of the Tones in Sentences Containing More Than One.
Sentence-Stress in English.
English Rhythm.
Emphatic Speech.
Teaching Intonation.
Part II. Intonation Practice.
Nuclear Tones.
Stress, Rhythm and Rhythmic Variations.
Intonation Contours.
Sequence of Tones.
Part I. Prose.
Tit for Tat.
One Too Many tor Him.
Nothing to Complain Ahouf.
Not So Stupid.
Too Great a Majority.
Dialectal Differences.
How to Be a Hypocrite from “How to Bean Alien” by G. Miкis.
Kitten Sarah (A fairy-tale).
Radio and Television.
A Few Words About English Literature.
Carlyle on Shakespeare from “Heroes and Heroworship”.
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
Irene’s Return from the “Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy.
Essays from “Delights” by J. B. Priestley.
Dick Is Not Feeling Well.
Youth Clubs.
Dinner-Table Talk.
Broadcast Programmes.
About Synthetic Speech.
Christmas Shopping.
Driving a Car.
The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde.
The School lor Scandal by R. B. Sheridan.
Part II. Poetry.
The Sons of Hiawatha by Henry W. Longfellow.
Bonnie Bell by Robert Burns.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth.
Away with Themes of War! by Walt Whitman.
The Night Before the Battle of Waterloo from “Childe Harold’s.
Pilgrimage" by George Gordon Byron.
Sonnets by William Shakespeare.
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