A grammatical sketch of classical armenian, Matasović R., 2020

A grammatical sketch of classical armenian, Matasović R., 2020.

   This publication is intended primarily for students of the course “Comparative grammar of Indo-European languages”, which I have been teaching for more than a decade in the University of Zagreb. It hopes to offer a reasonably compact overview of the grammar of Classical Armenian and its position within the Indo-European family of languages. It is neither a textbook nor a comprehensive grammar of the language.

A grammatical sketch of classical armenian, Matasović R., 2020

Armenian has only one participle, formed with the suffix –eal added to the aorist stem. It makes no distinction between active or passive voice and generally has past tense reference. For example asacʿeal may mean ‘having spoken’ or ‘having been said’ and bereal means ‘having carried’. This participle is best interpreted as a verbal adjective meaning, roughly ‘pertaining to the action denoted by the verb’.

The participle with the present of the verb ‘to be’ is used to form a kind of periphrastic perfect, a construction expressing the action which started in the past, but which is still relevant in the present, e.g. sireal em ‘I have loved’, sireal es ‘you have loved’, sireal ē ‘he/she/it has loved’, etc.

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