New Cutting Edge, Elementary, Teachers Book, Eales F., Cunningham S., Moor P.

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New Cutting Edge, Elementary, Teachers Book, Eales F., Cunningham S., Moor P.

   New Cutting Edge Elementary is aimed at young adults studying general English at an elementary level and provides materia) for approximately 120 hours of teaching.
It is suitable for students studying in either a monolingual or multilingual classroom situation.

New Cutting Edge, Elementary, Teachers Book, Eales F., Cunningham S., Moor P.

Everyday life.
Daily routines.
1 Focus students on the pictures and choose two examples to elicit a positive and negative response. Make sure that the students can identify the verbs with the activities. Then students tick or cross out the activities for themselves.

2 Students complete their individual clocks. Circulate, helping as needed.

3 Choose a stronger student and ask them some questions about their 'clock’ and routines. Then ask the student to ask you and elicit the question form: What time do you get up? Drill, working on stress, and give choral and individual repetition. Practise with other questions. Put students into pairs to ask and answer questions based on the 'clocks’.

Teacher’s tips
Helping students with pronunciation.
Working with lexical phrases.
Making the most of the Mini-dictionary.
Making tasks work.
Responding to learners' individual language needs.
Using the Study Practise Remember! and Mini-check sections.
What English do you know?.
Module 1.
Module 2.
Module 3.
Module 4.
Module 5.
Module 6.
Module 7.
Module 8.
Module 9.
Module 10.
Module 11.
Module 12.
Module 13.
Module 14.
Module 15.
Resource bank index of activities.
Resource bank key.

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