American English File 5, Online Practice, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2014

American English File 5, Online Practice, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2014.

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The family is a microcosm of society. It’s where your spirit and beliefs are first tested. My mother and father wanted only the best for me and my sister, but had very rigid ideas of what that “best” should be. For me to become a lawyer or even an engineer would have satisfied them, but a writer? Never. I was a determined and rebellious kid, though, and having failed to change my mind by conventional methods, they looked for more dramatic and extreme ones. In a sense, though, I thank them for that. I wouldn’t have gotten where I am without fighting to live the life I wanted for myself. I long since forgave them. We all make mistakes, parents included.

American English File 5, Online Practice, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2014

Whose language?
How many people can speak English? Some experts estimate that 1.5 billion people — around one-quarter of the world’s population — can communicate reasonably well in English.

Never in recorded history has a language been as widely spoken as English is today. The reason why millions are learning it is simple: it is the language of international business and therefore the key to prosperity. It is not just that multinational companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Vodafone conduct their business in English; it is the language in which the Chinese speak to Brazilians and Germans to Indonesians.

David Graddol, the author of English Next, says it is tempting to view the story of English simply as a triumph for its native speakers in North America, Britain and Ireland, and Australasia — but that would be a mistake. Global English has entered a more complex phase, changing in ways that the English-speaking countries cannot control and might not like.

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