Tis possible to be poor and happy, or rich and sad, but people who are financially independent have a lot less to worry about than people who are crushed by debt or struggling to pay the bills each month.
Although this book is all about making enough to live a comfortable existence, we hope you realize it’s also about enjoying the journey and having fun while you learn to make your million. We also hope you share what
you’ve learned. Maybe by becoming financially independent you’re better able to support your community, help lift others out of poverty, and get more kids on the path to financial security. Maybe you’ll be so successful, you’ll write your own book on how to earn, save, and invest your way to $10 million! And just think, it all started with a goal of saving $100.
Whatever your future, we hope you find financial success and happiness. So get out there and give it your best shot. We’ll be here cheering you on while you turn $100 into $1 million.

When bad things happen to smart people.
What about the stuff that’s out of your hands? Financial misfortune can happen to even the most prepared people. Maybe you get an illness that’s not covered by your health insurance. Life can be pretty harsh.
What do you do? Expect that bad stuff might happen and prepare for it. That’s why experts recommend setting some money aside in a separate “emergency fund” (at least three to six months’ worth of income).
Insurance is another way to protect yourself financially—especially auto, medical, and life insurance. General liability insurance will protect you if you own a business.
INTRODUCTION: Why $1,000,000?.
CHAPTER 1: Think Like a Millionaire.
CHAPTER 2: Set Financial Goals .
CHAPTER 3: Make a Budget.
CHAPTER 4: Five Ways to Get Money.
CHAPTER 5: Get a Job!.
CHAPTER 6: Start a Business.
CHAPTER 7: Save, Save, Save.
CHAPTER 8: The Power of Compound Interest.
CHAPTER 9: Investing .
CHAPTER 10: How Not to Become a Millionaire.
Your Two.Page Plan to Become a Millionaire.
Your One.Page Business Plan.
Your Personal Budget Tracker.
About the Authors.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: McKenna :: Glista :: Fontaine
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