Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, том 3, Завершающий курс, Хорнби А., 1992

Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, Том 3, Завершающий курс, Хорнби А., 1992.

Фрагмент из книги.
The popular newspapers naturally have much larger circulations5 than the serious newspapers. The number of daily newspapers published in London is only nine or ten, but their total circulation is about 16,000,000. Many of these are national papers, selling throughout the country. Some of them have printing offices in large towns in the north.

Интенсивный Оксфордский самоучитель английского языка, Том 3, Завершающий курс, Хорнби А., 1992

Sir, — Mrs Glynne’s letter on the subject of women drivers makes a wrong use of figures. Figures, it is said, can be used to prove anything. Mrs Glynne points out that half the drivers in America are women, and concludes1 that because 48,000 accidents are caused by men drivers and only 9,000 a year by women drivers, women drivers are five times more careful than men!

This is a false conclusion. Most women drive only occasionally, usually for short visits to friends or to the shops. Men, especially those driving vans and lorries, drive for much greater distances and for far longer times. Many of them are at the wheel seven or eight hours a day. I do not wish to suggest that women are careless drivers, but I must protest against Mrs Glynne’s comparisons. It is wrong to compare the number of accidents caused by men with the number caused by women without also comparing the total number of hours during which men and women drive. The figures for men and women who hold driving licences cannot give a true comparison. It is easy to use figures wrongly.

Reading-text one: Newspapers in Great Britain.
For study.
Reading-text two: Letters to the Editor.
For study.
Reading-text three: A House of Their Own (1).
For study.
Reading-text four: Holidays in Portugal.
For study.
Reading-text five: Sailplanes and Gliders.
For study.
Reading-text six: Advertising.
For study.
Reading-text seven: A House of Their Own (2).
For study.
Reading-text eight: The Brains Trust (1).
For study.
Reading-text nine: On Reading.
For study.
Reading-text ten: London.
For study.
Reading-text eleven: Any Problems?.
For study.
Reading-text twelve: A House of Their Own (3).
For study.
Reading-text thirteen: Criminal Justice.
For study.
Reading-text fourteen: The Conquest of Everest.
For study.
Reading-text FIFTEEN: The Brains Trust (2).
For study.
Reading-text sixteen: A House of Their Own (4).
For study.
Reading-text seventeen: Modern Architecture.
For study.
Reading-text eighteen: Parliamentary Chambers.
For study.

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