New inspiration 4, Vocabulary Quizzes, Kertayeva Z., Aytmuratova G., 2017

New inspiration 4, Vocabulary Quizzes, Kertayeva Z., Aytmuratova G., 2017.

Challenging and amusing vocabulary quizzes to engage and maintain pupils. Definition of all unit words. Word practice. Speaking improvements of New Inspiration 4 Student's Book.

New inspiration 4, Vocabulary Quizzes, Kertayeva Z., Aytmuratova G., 2017

Match the words with their definitions.
a.a line on a surface where something is beginning to break apart.
b.a wide flat body part like an arm that some sea animals such as penguins, dolphins and seals use for swimming.
c.the process of getting coal or metal from under the ground.
d.large and with plenty of space for people to move around in.

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