Keynote, Advanced, Teacher’s Book, Hughes J., 2015

Keynote, Advanced, Teacher's Book, Hughes J., 2015.

   Keynote is a six-level, multi-syllabus English course that takes learners from Elementary level (A1) to Proficient (C2). It is suitable for all adults or young adults in higher education or in work who need English in their professional or personal lives. It is suitable for all teachers, however experienced -extensive teaching notes will help the inexperienced teacher plan lessons, while valuable background information, teaching tips and extension activities will be of great use to even the most experienced teacher.
The units in Keynote each take a TED Talk as their point of departure. These talks are given by speakers from all walks of life, countries and fields of work and provide a rich and varied basis for the teaching and learning of authentic English. See section 2 for more about TED.

Keynote, Advanced, Teacher's Book, Hughes J., 2015

Image and identity.
• Books closed. Ask students to suggest some words for describing people’s image and identity. Their suggestions might refer to outward appearance (e.g. beautiful, handsome) or personality (e.g. friendly, unsociable). As students suggest words, write them on the board until you have a good collection. Discuss which ones refer to appearance and personality. You could also discuss which words are positive, negative or neutral (e.g. medium-height).

• Now ask students to write two sentences. Sentence 1 is a sentence about how they think other people view them when they first meet them. Sentence 2 is about how they think a close friend would describe them. Then students work with a partner and read out their two sentences, explaining why they are similar or different.

1 Necessities.
2 Image and identity.
3 Harmony.
4 Challenges.
5 Inspiration.
6 Solutions.
7 Imagination.
8 Working together.
9 Stress and relaxation.
10 Risk.
11 Vision.
12 The future.
Photocopiable tests.
Tests answer key.
Photocopiable communicative activities.
Communicative activities teaching notes.

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