Sandy’s goal was to create a book and guide that allows you to redirect your thoughts in a positive, focused manner. This book is the culmination—lighthearted and fun, it presents easy ways to learn a few simple changes you can make in your life, and why these will help you enjoy life more. After many years of hands-on research and collaboration with top professors, Sandy has put together a 90-day guide book and journal, written for the everyday person to help get their head in the game and see results instantly. Train your head, and your body will follow. This is a combination of a love and passion for fitness, food, science, spirituality, positive psychology, and people, all rolled into one. All our habits, everything we want, is because we believe we’ll feel better once we have it. Sandy will teach you to feel better first, which will better allow you to reach your goals.

My pal Art Carey, of the Philadelphia Inquirer, was always writing me up for something I created in the fitness industry. Every year, it was my goal to bring something new and exciting to the world. I loved trying new things and discovering ways to have fun and work the human body. Now I had some floppers, let me tell you, not everything was a hit, but it was worth it. Kettlebells were a huge smash and still continue to kick butt. I discovered them when I was on maternity leave and wasn’t going to the gym, and they got me back in shape in no time at all. I remember when I first brought them in, I think every Weston Fitness member and staff thought I was crazy. But they were soon convinced. I mean come on, it is a handheld weight you can take everywhere and gives you a full-body workout in no time. What’s not to love?
Phase I.Getting to Know Me.
Phase II.Getting to Know You.
Phase III.Your G.A.M.E. Plan.
Phase IV.Game Time—What We Came Here for.
Phase V.Regroup.
Phases VI.Take It Home.
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Теги: Weston :: книги по психологии :: психология :: саморазвитие :: книги на английском языке
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- Snap, Change Your Personality in 30 Days, Small G., Vorgan G., 2018
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