This book is written for teachers of all backgrounds. Our aim is to discuss a wide range of teaching problems—from classroom techniques to school organisation—in order to help practising teachers in their daily tasks. We have adopted an eclectic approach, recognising that the teaching of English must be principled without being dogmatic, and systematic without being inflexible. We have tried to show how the underlying principles of successful foreign language teaching can provide teachers in a wide range of EFL situations with a basic level of competence which can be a springboard for their subsequent professional development. We gratefully record our debt to colleagues and students past and present at the London University Institute of Education, whose experience and thinking have helped shape our own. Particularly, we would like to thank our colleague John Norrish for compiling the bibliography.

Why do we teach English?
Socio-linguistic research in the past few years has made educators more conscious of language functions and therefore has clarified one level of language teaching goals with greater precision. The recognition that many students of English need the language for specific instrumental purposes has led to the teaching of ESP — English for Special or Specific Purposes. Hence the proliferation of courses and materials designed to teach English for science, medicine, agriculture, engineering, tourism and the like. But the frustration of a French architect who, having learnt the English of architecture before attending a professional international seminar in London, found that he could not invite his American neighbour to have a drink, is significant. Specialised English is best learnt as a second layer built upon a firm general English foundation.
Indeed, the more specialised the learning of English becomes — one organisation recently arranged an English course for seven Thai artificial inseminators — the more it resembles training and the less it is part of the educational process. It may be appropriate, therefore, to conclude this chapter with a consideration of the learning of English as a foreign/second language within the educational dimension.
1 English in the World Today.
2 In the Classroom.
3 Language and Communication.
4 Basic Principles.
5 Pronunciation.
6 Listening and Speaking.
7 Reading.
8 Writing.
9 Errors, Correction and Remedial Work.
10 Assessment and Examinations.
11 Young Children Learning English.
12 Learning English in the Secondary School.
13 Teaching English to Adults.
14 The English Department.
Appendix 1.
Appendix 2.
Glossary of Selected Terms.
Useful Periodicals.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Broughton :: Brumfit :: Flavell
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