Power Up 2, Home Booklet, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., 2018

Power Up 2, Home Booklet, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., 2018.

Фрагмент из книги.
Animals can be diurnal or nocturnal. Diurnal animals are awake in the daytime and they sleep at night. Nocturnal animals sleep in the daytime and they’re awake at night. Penguins are diurnal, and bats are nocturnal.

Power Up 2, Home Booklet, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., 2018

Party time!
Guess who.
The pop star’s singing.
The cook’s making a cake.
The farmer’s riding a horse.
The clown’s taking photos.

Lost objects.
The comic is for the tall man with short, straight black hair. The towel is for the tall woman with short, curly blonde hair. The CD is for the tall woman with long, curly blonde hair and the present is for the short man with a beard and a moustache.

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