Republican Roman Army 200 104 BC, Sekunda N., McBride A., 1996

Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC, Sekunda N., McBride A., 1996.

   Researchers have directed most of their effort towards the Roman Army during the Imperial period. This is hardly surprising. The Roman Imperial Army is a unique phenomenon. It is difficult to think of am other state in any historical period which managed to maintain such a large, entirely professional army for such a long time. This fact alone dictates that the Imperial Army will continue to receive the attention it deserves.

Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC, Sekunda N., McBride A., 1996

The cohort.
The legion had a strength of 4,200 infantry (Polyb. ft. 20. 8). Later on it was divided into ten cohorts, each numbering 420. Polybius describes the way in which the officers of the legion were selected. This need not imply that the cohort didn’t exist as a tactical sub-division of the legion, for Polybius, reflecting the interests of his source, doesn’t explicitly describe the organization of the legion: rather he is concerned with the duties of the tribunes, such as the way in which the military oath is administered

Livy (22. 38. 2) tells us that the military oath was first administered to the army by the tribunes in 21ft BC, on the eve of the Battle of Cannae. Previously there had only been a general oath to assemble upon the orders of the consuls, and an oath taken by the centuries of infantry and decuries of cavalry not to leave the ranks. Raw son (17) has noted that if Livy is correct upon this matter, a terminus ante quem of 21ft BC is supplied for the literary sources of Polybius. In all likelihood his sources will, in fact, be considerably later than that date.

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