Navigate, C1 Advanced, Teacher’s Guide, Krantz С., 2016

Navigate, C1 Advanced, Teacher s Guide, Krantz С., 2016.   

Navigate combines information-rich topics, state-of-the-art-methodology, and a modern blended package to provide the complete course for the 21st century adult and young adult learner.

Navigate, C1 Advanced, Teacher s Guide, Krantz С., 2016

Speaking and writing.
Navigate understands that classes can be made up of adults learning English for many different reasons. In lesson 4 of every unit, Speaking and writing, Navigate provides appropriate communication practice for work, study or social life with an emphasis on language production. At the end of the speaking and writing sections, students complete a speaking or writing task. The lesson also contains two language focus boxes: Language for speaking and Language for writing.

Coursebook contents.
Introduction to Navigate.
Navigate overview.
The Navigate Approach.
Teaching notes.
Photocopiable teacher’s resource materials.
On the Teacher’s Support and Resource Disc.

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