New Total English, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Foley M., 2011.
Фрагмент из книги.
What is it about Germany's autobahns that tempts tourists to travel from halfway across the world? The answer is simple speed. More than 8.000 kilometres of German motorways have no speed limit something which is virtually unique in the modern world. Few Europeans realise that Germany’s superb roads have an almost mythical reputation in Asia, where highways are often overcrowded, poorly maintained and full of potholes.

Don’t judge a hook by its cover.
Most people agree with this well-known saying but few follow its advice. For the truth is that, whether we like it or not, our brains are programmed to make immediate judgements based almost solely on first impressions. Scientists argue that this is a survival mechanism which dates from humanity’s early history - a time when the world was full of danger and it was necessary for people to make instant life-or-death decisions.
The strength of our tendency to judge by appearances has recently been illustrated by the incredible story of Susan Boyle, an unemployed Scottish woman who shot to international stardom after appearing on a TV talent show. Her appearance on the show became one of the most popular videos on YouTube, with more than 200 million viewings. Her debut CD sold more than 9 million copies within six weeks of its release.
1 Connect.
2 Explore.
3 Old or new.
4 Work.
5 Risk.
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