Kids Box 2, Teachers Resource Pack, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., Escribano K.

Kids Box 2, Teachers Resource Pack, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., Escribano K.

Фрагмент из книги:
Pupils look at the two houses and compare them to spot the differences. They use their knowledge to complete the sentences. In the first four sentences the pieces of furniture are given, but in the other sentences, pupils will need to realise which pieces of furniture, not already named, are present in house В but not in house A.

Kids Box 2, Teachers Resource Pack, Nixon C., Tomlinson M., Escribano K.

Read and match.
There is a street in front of the hospital and the flat.
There is a shop next to the flat.
There is a shop between the hospital and the cafe.
There is a hospital between the shop and the cafe.
There is a flat behind the park.
There is a street behind the park.
There is a cafe next to the park.
There is a park in front of the hospital.

Match and play.
Put some milk in the bowl.
Put some flour in the bowl.
Put some lemon and sugar on the pancake.
Toss the pancake.
Put an egg in the bowL
Stir the pancake.

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