English Grammar, Suitable for levels A1-C1, Melvin J., 2017

English Grammar, Suitable for levels A1-C1, Melvin J., 2017.

    English Grammar theory and practice for ESL students.
This book is suitable for beginners (A1) to advanced (C1) with particular focus on key grammar points.
This grammar guide and exercise book has been designed for students of the English language.

English Grammar, Suitable for levels A1-C1, Melvin J., 2017

The Blacks.
This is a photo of the Blacks. Mrs Black is on the left of the photo. Mr Black is on the right. He is next to Mrs Black. Mr Black is Mrs Black’s husband. Mrs Black is Mr Black’s wife.
Toby the dog is at the front of the photo. Michael is next to Toby and in front of his mother. He is Mr and Mrs Black’s son. Molly is next to Michael on the right. She is in front of her father in the photo. She is Mr and Mrs Black’s daughter.

Molly is Michael’s sister and Michael is Molly’s brother.
Mrs Black is thirty-four (34) years old. Mr Black is thirty-five (35) years old. He is a year older than his wife. Mrs Black is a year younger than her husband.

The Basic structure.
The Blacks.
Open questions exercise.
The verb be.
Forming questions.
Forming negatives.
Contracted form of the verb ‘be’.
Short answers verb ‘be’ exercise.
Short answer forming.
Present simple-the Black’s kitchen.
Object pronoun exercise.
Forming questions with question words.
How much/how many.
The Black’s kitchen.
There is/there are.
The question/interrogative.
The Black’s bedroom-there is/there are.
Determiners-English articles.
Articles exercis.
The present perfect continuous usage one.
Formation of the present perfect continuous.
The present perfect continuous-exercise.
The present perfect continuous/usage two.
Exercise one-present perfect continuous usage two.
Exercise two-present perfect continuous-.
The past perfect vs. the past simple.
Exercise-past simple vs. past perfect simple.
Exercise-past simple or past perfect simple.
The past perfect continuous with ‘for’ and ‘since’.
Exercise-past continuous or past perfect continuous.
Past perfect continuous without ‘for’ and ‘since’.
Past continuous vs. past perfect continuous.
Past perfect simple vs. past perfect continuous.
The third conditional.
How to form the third conditional.
How to form the negative of the third conditional.
How to form the third conditional question.
Exercise-the third conditional.
The mixed conditional.
How to form the mixed conditional.
How to form the negative of the mixed conditional.
How to form the mixed conditional interrogative.
Exercise-the third conditional vs. the mixed conditional.
Reported speech.
Time and tense when reporting.
Reported speech exercise one.
The use of ‘tell’ in reported speech.
The use of imperatives in reported speech.
Reported imperatives-exercise.
Reported speech exercise-say and tell.
Verb patterns.
Practice exercise-infinitives.
Verb followed by an object + infinitive.
Verb + gerund.
Exercise-gerund or infinitive.
More uses of the gerund.
Verbs which take the bare infinitive (without ‘to’).

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