Teens’ English, 8 sinf, Xan S., Kamalova L., Jo‘rayev L., 2020

Teens’ English, 8 sinf, Xan S., Kamalova L., Jo‘rayev L., 2020.

Учебник по английскому языку для 8 класса на узбекском языке.

   Teens’ English 8 darsligiga xush kelibsiz!
Ushbu darslik ingliz tilini o‘qib o‘rganishingizga yordam beradigan qiziq va ajoyib mashq hamda topshiriqlar bilan to‘la. Darslikning oxirida grammatikaga oid ma’lumotlar va lug‘at berilgan. Mashq daftari ingliz tilini sinfda yoki uyda o‘qib o‘rganishingizga yordam beradigan qo‘shimcha mashq va topshiriqlarni o‘z ichiga oladi.
Nazorat ishlarida bo‘limlarni o‘rganish davomida olgan bilimlaringizni sinab ko‘rishingiz mumkin. Tinglab tushunish malakalarini rivojlantirish uchun multimedia ilovasi ham mavjud bo‘lib, undan siz o‘qituvchi yordamida yoki uyda mustaqil ravishda foydalanishingiz mumkin.
Ingliz tilini o‘rganib olishning eng yaxshi usuli uni amalda qo‘llash ekanligini unutmang. Darsda va uyda o‘rtoqlaringiz bilan ingliz tilida imkoni boricha ko‘proq muloqotda bo‘lishga harakat qiling. Biz bu o‘quv materiallari sizga quvonch olib keladi va ko‘p vaqt o‘tmay ingliz tilidan olgan bilimingiz yaxshilanadi degan umiddamiz.

Teens’ English, 8 sinf, Xan S., Kamalova L., Jo‘rayev L., 2020

International Youth Day.
Work in pairs. Read and check your ideas. Look up the new words.
Each August 12, the world celebrates International Youth Day. It is quite a recent world event – the first IYD was on August 12, 2000. It was established by the UN (United Nations Organisation). IYD is a chance for people all around the world to focus on problems of young people. The theme of IYD 2019 was “Better education”. Good education is very important to achieve development and can stop wars and poverty. It leads to good health, gender equality, work and growth, action on climate or peaceful societies.

IYD helps remind us that we have to think about the better future of young people. It is a chance to ask ourselves: what kind of future world do we want for our youth? What can we do? There are a lot of IYD events in your local area. They are workshops, talks, conferences, concerts, cultural events and meetings. Get involved. Help create a brighter future!

1 Public holidays and traditions.
2 Mass media.
3 Information age.
4 Literature and life.
5 Cinema.
6 World of music.
7 Science and technology.
8 Painting and sculptures.
9 The environment.
10 All the world’s a stage.
English–Uzbek Wordlist.

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