English for IT student, английский язык для инженеров-программистов/экологов, Part 1, Малашенко Е.А., 2014

English for IT student, Английский язык для инженеров-программистов/экологов, Part 1, Малашенко Е.А., 2014.

   Учебное пособие по профессионально-ориентированному общению предназначено для развития лексических навыков в области специальной терминологии, совершенствовании умений и навыков устной речи, чтения и перевода текстов, имеющих профессиональную значимость для инженеров-программистов/экологов.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов факультета мониторинга окружающей среды, а также для разных категорий учащихся, интересующихся данной тематикой.

English for IT student, Английский язык для инженеров-программистов/экологов, Part 1, Малашенко Е.А., 2014

We live in the Information Age and we are surrounded by information. The information is everywhere: in human speech, books, magazines and newspapers, radio and TV messages, readings, etc. Information is stored on CD- and DVD-disks, special devices and data carriers. Thanks to new media like the Internet, the Web. blogs, email, cell phones, iPods, e-Readers, Blackberries and iPhones we are blanketed in information.

Information can be found in primary, secondary or tertiary sources depending on how original the materials are or how much they have been interpreted or condensed by others. Information can come from many sources and be obtained from everyday life such as watching the channel news or reading the Chicago Tribune and it can be distributed in several ways such as TV news, the Internet, newspaper, and through word of mouth. The farther away from the original source the information is found, the more likely it is to be filtered, interpreted, condensed or otherwise changed.

The person perceives the information by means of sense organs, stores and processes it by means of brain and the central nervous system, hi addition to this everyday interaction with information by the users of computer-based digital new media there is the role that information plays in the sciences of AI and AL. The irony of our total immersion in information as well as the prominent role it plays in AI and AL is that for the most part we do not really have a clear understanding of exactly what information is.    

Unit 1    History of computer engineering: Hardware History Overview.
Unit 2    Information Is A Fundamental Property Of The World Around: What Is Information?.
Unit 3    Measuring Amount Of Information: How Bits & Bytes Work.
Unit 4    Microsoft Office: Microsoft Software Suit.
Unit 5    Electronic Dictionaries & Machine Translation: What Is Machine Translation?.
Unit 6    Numeral Systems: Different Systems Of Numeration.
Unit 7    Logical Operations: Boolean Logic.
Unit 8    Computer Architecture.
Unit 9    Operating System: The purpose of an operating system.
Unit 10    Monitor Display Technology.
Unit 11    Graphics &Image Editor.

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